A new course partly supported by NIH P30 EY003790 named “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” will be launched in late January 2023. The course will start on January 24 and end on April 25 on Tuesdays between 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. The course location is Second Floor Conference Room at Schepens Eye Research Institute (20 Staniford Street, Boston, 02114) of Massachusetts Eye and Ear at Harvard Medical School. This course is registered in the Division of Medical Sciences in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Harvard University. The course is co-directed by Dr. Mengyu Wang and Dr. Tobias Elze with additional postdoc instructors with PhD degrees in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering including Drs. Mohammad Eslami, Saber Kazeminasab, Yan Luo, Sajib Saha, Min Shi and Yu Tian.
This course offered at Schepens Eye Research Institute will serve as an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) with an emphasis on their applications in medicine. The course will start from classical linear and non-linear regression models, and then move to classical machine learning models including matrix decomposition methods, random forest, support vector machine and traditional neural network based on multilayer perceptron and finally dive into latest deep neural networks such as convolutional neural networks and transformers. The class will be taught with homework in the form of six mini projects and one final project mainly using medical imaging data along with other medical tests and diagnostic information. We will have three special sessions as the last three classes to overview latest developments on common medical AI modeling topics including segmentation, few-shot learning and anomaly detection.