Farewell to 2024 summer interns

Farewell to 2024 summer interns

August 20, 2024

This summer, our lab had the pleasure of hosting four bright and ambitious students: Eddie, Eric, Nathan, and Wendi. Each brought unique insights and enthusiasm to their research projects, contributing significantly to our ongoing work.

Nathan, on the cusp of beginning his undergraduate studies at Harvard University, and Wendi, a graduate from Phillips Academy and soon to start college at Harvey Mudd College, represented the incoming freshman class. Eric is a student at Sharon High School, and Eddie is an undergraduate studying at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. All of them rounded out our diverse group of young researchers. The students tackled a wide range of projects, from adversarial noise attacks to racial biases in ophthalmology.

A highlight of their visit was the opportunity to experience the EyeSi simulator under the guidance of Dr. Michael Morley and Dr. Vasil Kostin. This hands-on session provided valuable insights into the potential applications of AI in surgical ophthalmology.

We’re grateful for the fresh perspectives and energy these students brought to our lab. Their contributions have been invaluable, and we look forward to seeing where their promising careers in computer science, bioinformatics, biomedicine, and medicine take them in the future.