ARVO 2022 Annual Meeting: Travel grant recipients

ARVO 2022 Annual Meeting: Travel grant recipients

May 1, 2022

The ARVO 2022 Annual Meeting was held in Denver on May 1-4 in person and on May 11 – 12 virtually. Some members from Harvard Ophthalmology AI Lab were awarded a Travel Grant. Congratulations! 

RecipientPresentation Title
Yangjiani LiThickness of ten retinal layers from macular optical coherence tomography (OCT) volume scans in participants with and without diabetes and their relationship with glucose metabolism Session Title: Epidemiology of Diabetic Retinopathy
Mojtaba FazliThe Impact of Inflammatory Markers on the Ganglion Cell Complex in Non-Glaucoma Subjects
Pingping ZhaoThe Impact of Race on the Relationship Between Cup-To-Disc Ratio and Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss
Vishal SharmaA Deep Autoencoder Model to Denoise Visual Fields in Glaucoma